Best Crazy, Weird and Unusual Fuzz Pedals
Best Muff-Style Fuzz Pedals
Best Fuzz Face-Style Pedals

Best Tone Bender-Style Fuzz Pedals
Best Super-Fuzz-Style Pedals
Best Octavia Clones and Evolutions
Best Maestro FZ-1 Fuzz Tone Clones and Evolutions
Best Foxx Tone Machine Clones and Evolutions
Best Harmonic Percolator Clones and Evolutions
Best Boss Tone Clones and Evolutions
Best Fuzzrite Clones and Evolutions
Best Burns Buzzaround Clones and Evolutions

Latest Muff-Style Fuzzes | Latest Fuzz-Face-style Fuzzes | Latest Tone Bender-inspired Fuzzes | Latest Super-Fuzz-inspired Fuzzes | Latest Octave-Up Fuzzes | Latest Gated Fuzzes | Latest Foxx Tone Machine-inspired Fuzzes.

Below, the latest news about fuzz pedals

Boutique Pedal Manufacturers: TomKat Pedals

Adventure Audio’s pedalboard at SNAMM 2015

New Pedals: Black Cat N-Fuzz

Skreddy Kusanagi Fuzz

Fuzz + Reverb in one pedal: Keeley’s Sojourner

New Pedals: EQD’s Fuzz Master General

4 Fuzz Pedals you can hear at the Brooklyn Stompbox Exbhibit 2014

SolidGold FX presents 3 New Pedals at the Brooklyn Stompbox Exhibit 2014

A Fuzz that attaches to your guitar: TENTEN Triangle

Blackout Effectors’ Special Twosome Deluxe now shipping

Guitar Pedal News: ZVex Fuzz Factory Reborn!

New Pedal Manufacturers: Lone Wolf FX