Synth & Pedal Expos: 2023 Schedule

USEFUL LINKS: Vendor Feedback | Videos of the Expo | Eurorack Builders Feedback

The Synth & Pedal Expo is a dynamic mobile gear exhibition that has captivated enthusiasts since its inception in 2018.

The origins of this event trace back further, with the pedal component (Stompbox Exhibit) inaugurated in 2011 within the vibrant landscape of NYC. Following suit, the synth showcase made its debut in 2014 at the iconic Main Drag Music store nestled in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.

In 2018, the two expos were united during a bustling Brooklyn exhibition. This merger paved the way for a series of events hosted in other significant music scenes like Austin (during SXSW), Los Angeles, Montreal, and Portland. Notably, as of 2023, the event’s global footprint expanded to include the city of London, UK.

More info about the pedal side of the Synth & Pedal Expo, aka the Stompbox Exhibit, can be accessed here.

Here’s the list of our upcoming shows!

Upcoming Events (2025)
  • NAMM 2025 Stompbox Booth: January 23-25, 2025
  • London 2025 March 22-23 with KMR Audio and
  • Portland 2025 April 12-13 with Control Voltage
  • Toronto 2025: May 3-4, 2025 with Steve’s Music
  • Berlin 2025 (pedals only during the Superbooth Saturday)
  • Los Angeles (June 2025, date TBA)
  • Montreal (last weekend of August 2025)
  • Brooklyn (date TBA)
Past Events (2024)

Please send any inquiries to paolo -at-

Here are some videos shot by third parties about our shows:

Electro-Harmonix at Brooklyn Synth & Pedal Expo 2022:

Lisa Belladonna’s performance at Brooklyn Synth Expo 2019

343 Labs at Brooklyn Synth Expo 2019

Perfecto De Castro at Los Angeles Synth & Pedal Expo 2019