best new pedals april 2022

It’s always interesting to look back at what happened in the recent past to take stock of the state of the “pedalverse,” and that’s exactly what this monthly appointment focused on new releases is here for.

We can say without the shade of a doubt that April 2022 was not as exciting as March, but it was still a pretty good month, in particular for dirt box lovers. Once again, there were very few digital releases, in all likelihood because of the ongoing chip shortage (although we are starting to wonder if there are other factors at play…).

We had some major players (JHS, EQD, Catalinbread, J Rockett and NativeAudio) drop new gain pedals that will make the tone seekers happy, while Keeley unleashed its first fuzz in a while.

Interesting new designs were unveiled by Subdecay and Kasleder, while a long list of builders including Carl Martin, KMA Machines, VS Audio, and Spiral Electric FX, updated existing designs.

Here’s the full pedal scoop for you in our interactive galleries. As usual, mouse over and first tap will open a pedal description, while click or 2nd tap will open a video.

Older monthly articles like this one can be found here.

Best New Pedals of April 2022 | Non Gain Pedals

Best New Pedals of April 2022 | Gain Pedals

Best New Pedals of April 2022 | Fuzz Pedals

Have a blast and see you next month!

The Folks at Delicious Audio