Vanilla Sundae Rocky Road iSCREAM

Hand made in Boise, Idaho, using the highest quality components, the Vanilla Sundae Rocky Road iSCREAM is an overdrive voiced after the classic, early drives of the ’70s and ’80s without being a clone of any one in particular.

Based on a dual op-amp circuit, it features a mid bump but keeps a warm and thick tone other similar pedals lack, producing a responsive and dynamic overdrive tone that’s very interactive with your guitar’s volume.

TheĀ Lift/Clip toggle adds or removes the soft clipping section from the circuit, producing a lot more boost when disabled, which is useful to take your tube amp’s front head to and beyond the edge of breakup.

Check out our own Griffin Jenning’s video of it!

Vanilla Sundae Rocky Road iSCREAM, Builder’s Notes

The classic 70’s – 80’s overdrive circuit. This isn’t based on any particular pedal from this era, we just took the general classic dual op-amp circuit from this time period and made it sound the way we thought it should sound. While it does have a good mid-range presence, it does not sound thin, shill, or “honky”. It has a thicker sound. This has an asymmetrical “soft” clipping section that can be lifted out of the circuit by the clipping toggle switch. With clipping diodes enabled it has plenty of boost but if you disable the clipping section the boost available will slam the the front end of any tube amp into sonic bliss. Drive wise it goes from light to moderate.

This pedal is very responsive to your touch and plays with your instruments volume and tone controls extremely well.

Use a standard 9 volt battery or 9 – 18 volt negative center DC adapter.

Current draw 10ma

Hand made in Boise, Idaho using the highest quality components.