Silktone Overdrive

From one of the most buzzworthy American boutique amp makers comes a new overdrive with a wide tonal palette, some interesting features, but mostly, a tone likely to seduce many electric guitar connoisseurs. Enter the Silktone Overdrive+.

With an original analog circuit utilizing a combination of JFETs, op-amps and a few diodes, the Overdrive+ is a pedal with – literally – infinite headroom, even when fed very high levels, thanks to its 30v buffering dealt by the op-amp, while clipping duties are taken on by the JFETs or the diodes.

The three expected knobs for VolumeTone and Gain offer a wide range of sounds ranging from edge of breakup to full distortion, and are integrated by a Bass Cut toggle that tightens the low end, and a Clipping one that delivers symmetrical or asymmetrical clipping.

However, the not so secret weapon of this device is the Strangle/Raw toggle/footswitch combo. It’s a NOT clean boost full of character that adds gain and a hefty amount of 2nd harmonics to the signal. The Strangle mode adds a subtle cocked wah-style EQ to the signal, while Raw is a more open full range boost.

CHeck out how this pedal sounds in the videos below.