New Pedals: Keeley GC-2 Limiting Amplifier

Pedal Reviews: Amzel Electronics’ Cheshire Cat Tone Evaporator

New Pedal: The DigiTech Polara Stereo Reverb

MXR Il Torino Overdrive

New Pedals: TC Electronic Flashback Triple Delay

New Pedals: TWA Little Dipper MkII vocal formant filter

WOLVVES: About Gear and Recordings

3 Delays and 1 Looper you’ll be able to try at the Brooklyn Stompbox Exhibit 2014

Bass Mixed Board at the Brooklyn Stompbox Exhibit 2014

4 Fuzz Pedals you can hear at the Brooklyn Stompbox Exbhibit 2014

Cusack Tap-A-Delay at the Brooklyn Stompbox Exhibit 2014

Some Overdrive pedals at the BKLYN Stompbox Exhibit