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Part of the growing family of the Pico series, the Electro-Harmonix Pico Rerun is a tape-style echo in mini format delivering delay from 8ms to 3s.

It doesn’t only emulate the warmth of the vintage tape delays of yesteryear, but also the saturation those units’ preamp imparted to the tone, via the aptly named Sat knob, and also the slight sonic imperfections resulting in a subtle wow and flutter, through the Flutter switch. The latter has three settings for low, medium, and heavy modulation.

Blend, Delay (time) and Feedback knobs are the standard control found in all delays, with the latter allowing for infinite repeats at maximum settings and, therefore, self-oscillation.

Two other useful features like Tap Tempo and Tails On/Off round up the features.

We added the Pico Rerun to our article about the Best Tape Echo Pedals.

Electro-Harmonix Pico Rerun Tape Delay, Builder’s Notes

Tape delay is loved for its warmth and charming imperfections compared to pristine digital delays. Their preamps could be pushed to saturation and, over time, the tape in vintage delay units would degrade causing a signature warble loved by many. These signature elements are captured and packed into Electro-Harmonix’s Pico Rerun tape delay. Based off the tape delay algorithm found in the Canyon Delay & Looper, the Rerun gives vintage vibes with modern features.

The Rerun features a simple control set and tap tempo for ease of use in any situation. BLEND sets the wet/dry blend. DELAY adjusts the delay time from 8ms to 3s. SAT adds tape saturation and distortion for added crunch to only the wet signal, keeping your dry signal unaffected by the added distortion. FDBK sets the level of repeats from 1 to infinite for runaway oscillation. You can also press and hold the footswitch to engage infinite repeats in an instant. The FLUTTER mode switch toggles between low, medium, and heavy modulation effects ranging from slight chorusing to seasick thickness.

Tap Tempo is simple and easy to use. Just press and release the footswitch at least two times to set the tempo and the LED will blink to confirm your tap tempo. Additionally, the Rerun also features selectable Tails bypass allowing echoes to continue after putting the pedal into bypass.


  • Compact Pico chassis
  • Tape delay algorithm from Canyon Delay and Looper
  • BLEND controls the wet/dry mix
  • DELAY adjusts delay time from 8ms to 3s
  • SAT sets the level of tape saturation and distortion
  • FDBK adjusts from 1 repeat to infinite
  • FLUTTER toggles between 3 levels of warbly degraded tape modulation
  • Tap Tempo to keep your delays perfectly in time
  • Selectable Tails bypass allows for echoes to continue after pedal is bypassed
  • Power adapter included