MWFX Judder

An extremely unique device, the MWFX Judder is part echo, looper, and phrase sampler all rolled into one science experiment of a guitar pedal.

It’s designed around analog chip technology to provide degrading repeats like those found in tape echo units. Utilizing an innovative switching system it can inject echo, time, modulation, and envelope manipulation into your signal. It does standard looping and phrase sampling well, but can also produce stutters, glitches, and weird echo effects. At the slowest repeat rates, you can hear the individual clicks and beeps that constitute the ghostly remnants of the chip’s audio memory.

It’s great for indie, shoegaze, electronic, and ambient styles or for adding a little science fiction to your set. It can also open up a universe of new ideas for people who score movies or add sound effects to film.

We added the Judder to our comprehensive Glitch Stutter and Granular pedals article.