On this page, you will find a list of pedals that defy categorization or have particularly original functions.


Best Creative Delay Pedals
Best Reverb Pedals For Ambient and Shoegaze
Best Granular, Glitch and Stutter Pedals
Best Bitcrusher Pedals
Best Ring Modulation Pedals
Best Pedals for Synths with CV In

Below, the latest creative pedals releases.

New Pedal: Walrus Audio Qi Etherealizer

New Pedal: Pigtronix Cosmosis I – Morphing Reverb

OPFXS Electric Vibe Phaser/Vibrato

Discomfort Designs Phantom Limb Dual Delay/Looper

New Pedal: Matthew Effects The Technician

Gamechanger Audio Auto Series

Old Blood Noise Dark Star Stereo Reverb

New Pedal: Collision Devices TARS DLX Dual Fuzz + Filter

Mask Audio Electronics MAYBE? Fuzz

New Pedal: Cosmodio Instruments Gravity Well

New Pedal: TomKat Super Heavy Reverb

Chase Bliss Clean Stereo Compressor