On this page, you will find a list of pedals that defy categorization or have particularly original functions.


Best Creative Delay Pedals
Best Reverb Pedals For Ambient and Shoegaze
Best Granular, Glitch and Stutter Pedals
Best Bitcrusher Pedals
Best Ring Modulation Pedals
Best Pedals for Synths with CV In

Below, the latest creative pedals releases.

Chase Bliss Clean Stereo Compressor

New Pedal: Non-Human Audio Night Creatures

Glou-Glou Flancher Stereo Pedals

Diffractor Soundings Chromatic Journey Stereo Analog Phaser

Cosmodio Pet Yeti Fuzztortion+Bitcrusher

Old Blood Noise Pardner Fuzz with Looper

Electronic Audio Experiments Sending V2 Analog Delay

Collision Devices Crushturnal

Endorphines Ghost Multi-Dimensional FX

Champion Leccy Skitzy Dual Modulated Reverb

Meris LVX Stereo Modular Delay

Updated Pedal: Beautiful Noise Endless Sleeper II Delay