Diamond Dark Cloud Delay

Ontario’s pedal brand Diamond, recently acquired by Montreal’s SolidGoldFX has a noble history of delay pedals, both analog and digital. The Diamond Dark Cloud, delivering three analog-voiced modes via a digital recreation of the BBD chip, is the latest in this saga.

The three modes are the following:

  • TAPE DELAY: Inspired by the company’s own Counter Point, this mode delivers up to 1 second of warm and saturated delay with tape-like wow and flutter.
  • HARMONIC DELAY: Utilizing the algorithm from the Quantum Leap, this is a delay with an octave or fifth above the input signal, where the analog feedback’s pitch shifter trails almost behave like a harmonic-based tone control.
  • REVERSE DELAY: This is an entirely new algorithm offering a classic backward delay backward with a lo-fi character and expanded time range.

Of course, the Dark Cloud is Tap Tempo-enabled (the company was the first able to apply it to an analog circuit!), three subdivisions: quarter note, eighth note and dotted eighth.