Warm Audio Pedal76 Compressor

The urei 1176 is one of the TWO evergreen compressors engineers have been using to record all sorts of tracks since the ’60s (the other one being the Teletronix LA2A). The Warm Audio Pedal76 puts the sound of that versatile studio unit at your toe tips for an amount that’s a fraction of both the original and the Universal Audio reissues. Oh and… it comes with VU meter!

This analog FET compressor delivers sustain, dynamic control, and vintage warmth to any signal. Crank the levels to enjoy the gritty saturation and harmonic richness that make FET compression legendary. Attack, Release, and Ratio knobs tailor the compression to any style, from clean funk to heavy metal. Warm Audio adds rear-panel switches like FX Bypass, Input Sensitivity, Ground Lift, and Drive for enhanced performance.

A balanced DI output is also included. This pedal offers a modern take on the classic ’76 compressor sound, perfect for any pedalboard.

[Wanna get this baby and be supportive? Buy it through our Sweetwater or zZounds affiliate programs – at no extra cost.]