Supercool Pedals '77 Fuzz Blender

Released in 2023, the Supercool ’77 Fuzz Blender is a modern reimagining of the iconic op-amp Big Muff circuit by a Toronto-base builder who participated in our NAMM 2025 shared pedal booth.

The Flavour switch, highlighted in blue, offers two tonal profiles:

  • up position: a classic mid-scoop tone stack, adjustable via the SMOKE knob for rich bass and treble
  • down position: a mid-boosted modern tone with variable mids and bass/treble rolloff, designed to complement amps that lack warm midrange frequencies.

The Tar knob provides sustain and feedback control, ranging from clean tones to overdrive and full-on fuzz assault, while the Cigarette button on the back panel toggles between smooth symmetrical clipping and gated, asymmetrical clipping for a gritty transistor-like fuzz.

A blend control, rather unusual for fuzz pedals, allows you to mix your clean signal with the fuzz, facilitating stacking with other pedals.

Check it out in this video we shot on the NAMM floor!