
The Rainger FX Pull Focus, by the London-based kind of quirky pedals, is an analog distortion circuit (borrowed from previous units like the Reverb-X) routed into a second, faded-in digital effect, that can be either a chorus or a reverb.

The name chosen for this device refers to a cinematographic technique related to changing focus within the same shot, when the camera’s focus switches from near to far. The added effect does something similar, automatically moving from near to far whichever signal it affects – at a speed set by the player.

The distortion has a wide range, delivering tones going from a mild overdrive up to a massive distorted sound, controllable via the main Gain, Tone and Volume knobs.

The amount of delay in the faded-in effect can be controlled via the Ramp knob: when turned to the left, the effect is in all the time, while turning in clockwise it gradually gets delayed and faded-in for a maximum setting of around four seconds – until it disappears entirely when it’s all the way to the right.

The Effect knob/button combo controls the Chorus/Reverb effects. Select the type of effect through the push button, and control Rate for chorus and Size for reverb using the black knob.