Distortion Pedals

Using Distortion Pedals with Drum Machines and Synths

MXR Rockman X100 Stereo Preamp

Cosmodio Instruments Gravity Well

Updated Pedal: Red Panda Bitmap 2.1 Stereo Bitcrusher

New Pedal: Karma Machine Shop Dual Overdrive

Jam Pedals Rattler Mk.2 Distortion

New Pedal: Whimsy Machines Sweet Tooth Distortion + EQ

New Pedal: Krozz Devices Royalbreaker Distortion

Frost Giant Soma V2 Heavy Fuzz

One Control Dyna Red 4k Plexi Drive now shipping

REVV G2 Distortion

Cosmodio Pet Yeti Fuzztortion+Bitcrusher