Pigtronix Ringmaster Ring Modulator

Amptweaker announces CurveballTM Jr EQ

New Monster Looper by EHX: the 95000 Performance Loop Laboratory

Best “Non-Clone” Overdrive/Distortion Pedals of 2017 according to In The Blues

Meris Pedals: An Inspired Approach to Stompboxes

Stuyedeyed talk about Guitar Pedals

EHX Big Muff: Op-Amp vs. Original Transistor Muffs

Hologram Infinite Jets Review

RAT Launches “RAT Tail” FX Cable at Winter NAMM 2018

Gingerlys’ favorite guitar pedals

Does the Type of Battery You Use Affect Your Pedal’s Sound?

SoundBrut DrVa Gets Premier Guitar’s Award