Keeley Zoma

The Keeley Zoma resurrects one of the electric guitar all-time classics (the tremolo + spring reverb combo) through a 3-mode pedal with a very simple control layout and separate footswitch for each effect.

The two smaller knobs control tremolo Depth and Rate, while the bigger one sets the overall Volume. The volume and rate controls also allow you to see overall Tone and Reverb Decay when you turn them while holding down the left footswitch.

These are the three algorithms, selectable via the 3-way mode toggle:

  • SS – Spring Reverb and Sine Tremolo – Voiced after the circuit found in classic black panel amps, with a spring reverb followed by a sine wave tremolo (at the power tubes).
  • PH – Plate Reverb and Harmonic Tremolo – Smooth reverb with swampy harmonic trem
  • PV – Plate Reverb and Pitch Vibrato – Vocal smooth vibrato with other-worldly reverb

The full stereo circuit is a big plus here, meeting the studio and increasingly also live performance needs of many modern guitarists.