
If a touch-sensitive Fuzz Face-inspired fuzz that can interact beautifully with your amp interests you, you may want to check out the KittycasterFX Groovy Wizard Fuzz Driver. Much more than a fuzz, this is a hand-made (in Portland, OR) pedal that can deliver anything from transparent clean tones to dynamic overdrive up to wild fuzz tones.

Although it’s inspired by the classic two-transistor fuzz from the ’60s and famously used by Jimi Hendrix (as hinted by its graphics), the Groovy Wizard is not just a clone but a deeply evolved circuit, modified and voiced for a modern tone and utilizing a combination of a PNP germanium transistor and a NPN silicon transistor running at up to 18 volts for extra range of gain and headroom.

The two bottom knobs Contour and Presence respectively set low and high frequencies, allowing for a scooped sound when both are set at high levels

Check out how it sounds in the videos below.

KittycasterFX Groovy Wizard Fuzz Driver, Builder’s Notes

The Groovy Wizard Fuzz Driver is for all you wizards of guitar that have been searching for the most dynamic, touch-sensitive fuzz to drive your amp whether it is set clean or overdriven. Groovy Wizard’s open and transparent response lets the character of your guitar and amp shine through while accentuating every playing nuance. The wide ranging controls go from boost to amp-like touch-sensitive overdrive all the way to raging fuzz! And it was specifically designed to extend the range of your guitar’s volume control – from amazing cleans, to tight overdrive, all the way to raging fuzz – all by merely turning your guitar’s volume control and varying your picking attack.

Adapted and extended from a classic ’60’s two-transistor console preamp circuit originally associated with Jimi Hendrix, the Groovy Wizard is not a mere clone, nor is it a fuzz face. The circuit was modified and voiced from the ground up to achieve the perfect sound + response. Utilizing a combination of a PNP germanium transistor coupled with an NPN silicon transistor running at up to 18 volts, the Groovy Wizard has a greatly increased range of gain from clean to fuzz, more tonal control, bigger soundstage and punch, and more transparency to create the perfect fuzz driver for any musical style or rig.

This is your always on dirt pedal!