
The Empty Head Effects The Lover is proof that dirt boxes (overdrives in particular) don’t have to be straightforward and lacking gin imagination.

With its controls named after love-related nouns, the Lover reminds us that love can be found everywhere, and feeds both the guitarists’ passion for pedals and the builders’ obsessions with effect circuits.

Here’s what the controls do outside their metaphoric names:

  • Lungs knob: amount of signal sent to the clipping diodes, making the sound closer to a fuzz
  • Heart knob: gain
  • Whispers knob: volume
  • X Veil switch: Low Pass Filter (adjustable via internal trim pot)
  • Loss: High Pass Filter (adjustable via internal trim pot)
  • Compassion: Bias, setting the overall Gain

Through this set of controls, the Lover delivers a variety of tones between the overdriven and the fuzzy, with the Lungs knob being the crucial control in adding fuzzy overtones and texture to the overdriven sound.

The filter switches open up useful sonic possibilities when fatter, more cutting, or more focused tones are needed, while the Bias switch can take the gain to the next level.

Check out the videos of this super flexible gain pedal.

Empty Head Effects The Lover, Builder’s Notes

The Lover – The friend you’ve always admired who was always out of reach, the desire and envy of every human in the room. Nay, the star crossed broken hearted soul, torn apart by all that came before and now swept out and lost at sea….

A sweltering 3 knob + 3 switch drive pedal that’ll have you weak at the knees + uttering… ‘be still my beating heart!!!’

When at last you meet, will it be romantic turbulence, a short lived love affair, or perhaps the match made in heaven we all long for?

Two stage transistor True Bypass Drive pedal.

3 knobs – Gain, Diode Clipping + Volume.

3 switches – Low Pass Filter, Hi Pass Filter + Bias (to take your

relationship to the next level).

Both filters are adjustable internally and offer a huge range of flexibility.