
Australian pedal maker Poly Effects has been following a unique path in its full embrace of touchscreens, which have the considerable advantage of easily allowing way more control options than knobs and switches while delivering a more visual and “organized” tweaking experience.

The format of their pedals also allows you to transform your device into a completely different effect just by uploading a new software, and that’s precisely what Beebo is: a new piece of software focused on modulation and synthesis, that works with the same hardware hosting the Digit, which mainly offers delay and reverb algorithms.

Beebo offers a host of effects from traditional modulation (chorus, pan, phaser, reverse, rotary, flanger) to weirder effects (bitmangle, freeze, granular, 6 different virtual analog filters) to actual oscillators and sound sources (granular texture synthesizer, a 16 model macro oscillator voice and a meta modulator with 7 blendable signal combining algorithms). You can also “borrow” several reverb and delays featured in Digit!

The real magic, though, happens when you make these modules interact with each other, and this potential is amplified by the ability of any parameter to be tweaked live via MIDI by external devices, with the ability to exploit the hardware’s 4 ins and 4 outs with creative routing.

This pedal sounds like a must-have for musicians and producers into sound design, no matter what’s their primary instrument is.

Beebo is a multi modulation pedal that also gives you the power of a eurorack modular synth in an easy to use touch screen pedal. If you want great live tools or to push the boundaries of sound design. 

Beebo will get you there.

If you’re looking for conventional effects, the auto swell, delay, algorithmic reverb, chorus, looping delay, mono & stereo EQ, mono & stereo compressor, pan, phaser, reverse, rotary, saturator, phaser, warmth and through zero flanger will cover your needs.

Each effect is a powerful algorithm when used alone, but the real magic  comes when you combine them and control them. The rotary for example,  exposes more than 30 parameters for those who want to dig deep into its  detailed physical model. Combining effects, and controlling one module  from another is what it’s all about in Beebo.

You can make the foot switches change a value, or connect up  parameters to a random source, an LFO or an envelope follower. Modules  that generate control signals can be controlled too, which is the power  of a modular workflow. For example, If you don’t get everything you want  out of the built in chorus or flanger modules you can build your own by  adding a few delay modules and modulating them. You can also send  control signals out as MIDI CC to control other pedals. Beebo plays well  with others and It’s easy to share presets, just plug in a usb flash  drive and export or import them.

If you want modular or weirder effects, the bitmangle, freeze,  granular, 6 different virtual analog filters, powerful LFOs, time  stretch, turntable stop, twist delay, VCA, wavefolder, attenuverter and  more will cover it.

There’s some very powerful modules ported from the best eurorack modules  including a granular texture synthesiser, a 16 model macro oscillator  voice and a meta modulator with 7 blendable signal combining algorithms  including ring modulation, comparators and cross folding.

The MIDI to V/oct module allows you to drive the synthesis modules from MIDI note input.

– 4 in / 4 out. 

– 5” touch screen 

– 500 mA 9V center negative.