
Guitar pedal amps are a technological development that every musician who can’t afford a roadie should celebrate and embrace. The Kyro Audio Crunch is a new entry in this category by a boutique brand from Bulgaria.

This device’s specs are very impressive and it’s getting good reviews for its sounds, which is what really matters.

It features a (real) tube preamp sporting an ECC83 tube and 100w of power to feed to your cabinet – but it also lets you use a line output with a cab simulator in case you want to go direct.

The gain stages allow for extra flexibility thanks to the Boost section with its own level control and footswitch, which integrates the Gain and Volume knobs.

It also gives the player plenty of sculpting options through a 3-way EQ section, a Presence control and a 2-way Bright switch, while a digital spring-style reverb allows to add a little bit of ambiance to your tone in a set-it-and-forget-it way. An FX Loop lets you insert other effects before the reverb.

Check out the sound of the Kyro Audio Crunch in the video below – we added it to our article about the Best Power Amp Pedals.