CKK SHXC Super Overdrive

Yes, many Chinese pedal builders make super affordable (if not downright cheap) pedals with questionable quality control, but this doesn’t mean that there aren’t some top-notch boutique pedal builders in China. Enter the CKK SHXC Super Overdrive, a new, hand-made Klon variant that’s getting great reviews from the handful of tone connoisseurs who were able to put their hands on a review unit.

What Mr. Wu, the man behind CKK (also known as Synvertek), wanted to do with this pedal is take the Klon-style overdrive to the next level, extending the original’s tonal range and delivering a more detailed, dynamic and rich tone in all the frequency ranges.

To achieve this goal, he redesigned the circuit from scratch, sourcing the best-sounding NOS Germanium diodes and utilizing also an ultra-rare TL072 opamp, which implies that no more than a few hundred copies of this pedal will be built.

Right now the only way to order a CKK SHXC Super Overdrive is to email Mr. Wu at officialsales – at

CKK SHXC Super Overdrive, Builder’s Notes

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