Effect Type

Secrets of Mixing: Reverb – Space as Third Dimension

EHX releases nano re-issue of Hot Tubes

Guitar Pedal Reviews: Jam Pedals Big Chill Tremolo

Pedal Reviews: TC Electronic Ditto Looper

Pigtronix Gatekeeper Noise Gate

Celestial Effects’ Cancer Wah The Fuzz

Production ideas – replacing snare reverb with gated stereo samples

Magnetic Effects’ Electrochop

Amptweaker introduces FatRock Distortion – a TightRock evolution

Guitar Pedal Reviews: Pigtronix Infinity Looper

At the SNAMM Stompbox Exhibit 2013: DMB Pedals and the Lunar Echo

At the SNAMM Stompbox Exhibit 2013: TSVG Pedals, Angry Jeff and The Slow Ride