For an in-depth guide to all types of reverb, please see this article about the Best Reverb Pedals organized by Type.
Lists updated on July 11, 2022.
A Guide to the Best Reverb Pedals with Tremolo
Reverb paired with tremolo was popular with everyone from British beat groups, who often used Vox AC15 and AC30 combos, to California surf bands, who typically preferred Fender amps with onboard reverb and trem, like the Deluxe Reverb.
While the vintage amps offering this combo were obviously Mono, the advanced technology of modern stompboxes is allowing builders to come up with Stereo devices that are more and more compact. This is why we decided to organize this list in the two following categories:
• Best Reverb Pedals with Tremolo (Stereo)
• Best Reverb Pedals with Tremolo (Mono)
As usual, in our interactive galleries, a mouseover or first tap will get you a description of the pedal, while a click or second tap will open a video.
Best Reverb Pedals with Tremolo (Stereo)
The pedals in this list employ digital DSP to emulate various reverb sounds produced by springs, plates or real spaces – in Stereo, a quality that makes reverb sounds more realistic and “deep” – because that’s how we experience that effect in real life since we have two ears. However, all these pedals work just as well in Mono. When used in Stereo, these pedals will deliver a tremolo that fluctuates between the right and left channels.
Strymon Flint V2
Flint partners three classic and completely unique reverb algorithms with the pulsating and hypnotic tremolo pioneered in vintage amplifier tremolo circuits. The ambiance effects comprise the classic ’60s Spring Tank Reverb, the inventive ’70s Electronic Plate Reverb and the nostalgic ’80s Hall Rack Reverb, while the tremolo tones include the sonically complex ’61 Harmonic Tremolo, the swampy and sultry ’63 Power Tube Tremolo and the sharp and balanced ’65 Photocell Tremolo. Reverb has controls for Color (tone), Decay and Mix, while tremolo features knobs for Intensity and Speed. Together, they let you get everything from splashy, pulsing twang to throbbing, swampy blues and serene reverberated pads. V2 extends the range of the tremolo’s speed to all the way down to 1Hz and makes the pre-delay time adjustable
Keeley Hydra
A compact Stereo Reverb + Tremolo with 3 Reverb modes (Spring, Plate or Room) and tap-tempo enabled Harmonic, Vibrato, or Sine Wave Tremolo. Each effect has its own separate footswitch and can be placed first in the chain for extra flexibility. The controls have dual functions accessible by holding the Color knob, and they are clearly labeled in black fonts for Tremolo and white fonts for Reverb. Reverb Trails, remote switching system compatibility, Expression Pedal and Tap-Tempo inputs round up the features.
Source Audio True Spring Reverb
A digital pedal derived from the Ventris but built specifically to deliver the most authentic spring reverb sound. Three modes emulate classic vintage effects, while the Dwell knob simulates how hard the spring would be pushed. A button in the back turns on a Tremolo effect, also featuring three modes (Bias, Opto and Harmonic).
Catalinbread Tremolo8
A comprehensive creative multi-mode pedal dedicated to the classic tremolo + reverb combo, but mixing in also other effects like chorus, filters, and ring modulation. The top three knobs vary their function according to the selected parameter. Modes include various LFO shapes, envelope tremolo, and harmonic vibrato with a choice of different reverb algorithms from tight to ambient.
Fender Tre-Verb
A digital pedal that recreates all the Reverb and Tremolo Effects from the vintage Fender amps. Features two individually footswtichable effects. On the Reverb side, ’63, ’65 and a classic Plate setting, calling to mind vintage outboard ‘verb units featuring the same control set that used to be included on them. The Trem has Opto, Bias and HM (harmonic) modes, spanning the history of the effect.
Keeley Verb O Trem Workstation
A deeper version of the VoT with separate footswitches for each effect and tap-tempo functionality. Both tremolo and reverb have 8 modes (2 Spring, 3 Spring, Plate, Hall, Chamber, Room, Fugue, and Slapback for reverb and Sine Wave, Square Wave, Harmonic, Dynamic Harmonic, Pitch Vibrato, Ramp Trem, Les’Rotary Speaker, U-Vibe for the trem. A set of four more knobs controlling individual settings. The controls are pretty straightforward apart from the ones labeled “Morph,” which vary depending on the selected mode.
Comodoro Sabon
An original take on ambient stereo reverb offering Shimmer and Tremolo modes. In Shimmer mode it delivers long reverberations, while Tremolo offers a classic spring-style reverb. The Mist and Rate knob have varying functions, controlling respectively the amount and pitch of the octave in Shimmer mode and depth and rate of the LFO in Tremolo mode. The Rate knob can be controlled via Expression pedal
Best Reverb Pedals with Tremolo (Mono)
The pedals in this category offer Tremolo + Reverb combo in the classic mono configuration. They are more affordable and on average of older making, but some of them are actually analog (i.e. they have actual springs inside them!).

Keeley Verb O Trem
Designed in collaboration with Americana guitarist Eddie Heinzelman, this is a pedal for the believers of the “less-knobs-is-more” philosophy: it offers 3 flavors of tremolo (Tube Bias style, Magnatone pitch-style vibrato, and Harmonic Tremolo) and four straightforward knobs including a fixed, amp-style reverb control.
Milkman Sound F-Stop
A success story from a tiny builder. It encloses the spring reverb and tremolo circuit from the company’s amp into a compact pedal. The reverb drips, and the VCA tremolo is pure creamy goodness. The two effects have separate footswitches and two controls each (Blend + Decay for the reverb and Speed and Depth for the tremolo). A Rear trim pot controls the tremolo output level.
Ernie Ball Expression Tremolo
The Ernie Ball Expression Tremolo delivers foot-sweepable tremolo control combined with authentic-sounding spring reverb. It has five distinct waveforms—Slow Rise, Slow Fall, Sine, Square and classic Fender-style Harmonic—plus an onboard vintage-inspired spring reverb to create subtle or dramatic pulsating soundscapes. Control the depth, rate, or both parameters simultaneously with the foot treadle and unlock a virtually limitless tonal palette.
Rockett Moto
$199 – A simple and musical analog/digital tremolo featuring two waveform options with fixed spring reverb.
Mr. Black Deluxe Plus
A simple but very well received trem-verb. Just three knobs, with fixed reverb and intensity and speed controls for the tremolo, just like in the old amps that first featured this combo. A “Deluxe” version of the Deluxe Plus adds an extra footswitch to separate reverb and tremolo.
Crazy Tube Circuit White Whale
A very tweakable real spring reverb, with knobs for depth, speed, tone and dwell and three different springs for varied depth. It also features a tremolo inspired by Fender blackface and brownface amps with its own footswitch.
Keeley Hooke
A spring reverb + Tremolo combination featuring several modes, including a Trem-Verb (emulation of the Black Face Trem-n-Verb), which delivers a deep, throbbing tremolo.; a Long Decay Trem-n-Verb and a Vibro-Spring – as an a marriage of the tremolo of Blackface and the Magnatone’s vibrato.
Tone Tested Designs 1960’s
The handmade 1960’s Reverb & Tremolo combines two classic effects and features an internal trim pot that lets the pedal act as a volume boost when the tremolo effect is engaged. With controls for Reverb, Speed and Intensity, the pedal’s design recalls the simple front panels of vintage amps and makes dialing in the perfect tone a cinch. The 1960’s Reverb & Tremolo pedal is offered in classic brown-and-cream or black-and-white enclosures and runs on a 9-volt center-negative power supply.
MAS Effects Expanse
a creative tweakable harmonic tremolo + reverb/delay. The tremolo can be set to 3 modes through the Warp toggle, from classic and subtle to heavily filtered and resonant. Expanse has its own level knob and adds either ambient reverb or a echoing feedback, . The dry signal can be reintegrated through the Blend control. Two Epression ins allow for simultaneous control of Width and either Expanse or Velocity.
Mojo Hand FX RVT,
This is a compact, two-mode circuit that offers a spring-style Reverb with either Tremolo or Vibrato in a simple three-knob package, just like in those vintage amps that started the trend.
Champion Leccy The Skitter
$225 – An intriguing variation on the reverb & tremolo combo, with a unique routing section that lets you apply the modulation either to the wet (reverberated) or to the clean signal only. It features 8 LFO waves for the tremolo, with the Space and Time knobs controlling, its depth and speed. The reverb is fixed in size but features a three-way toggle switch that can tame its high end for warmer, “vintagey” tones.
VHT AV-MV1 Melo-Verb
The Melo-Verb recreates the classic tremolo-and-reverb combination offered on 1960s amps with some modern additions. The two effect sections are completely independent and feature separate true-bypass switching. The all-analog tremolo section has Speed and Intensity controls, and for additional flexibility it offers modern Shape and Level controls. The Shape control adjusts the tremolo character—everything from retro floating undulations to modern square-cornered chop. When the tremolo is engaged, the Level control can be set for added boost to help the effect stand out in the mix. With the Depth control turned down, the Tremolo section can also serve as a clean boost pedal, with up to 9dB of boost from the Level control. The reverb section replicates the classic built-in tube-driven spring reverb tone and takes it one step further with the addition of Tone and Mix controls. The tones range from soft, warm and round to bright splashy “tile wall spatter.”
Catalinbread Topanga Burnside
Adds a tremolo knob to the Topanga, considered by many guitarists as one of the most authentic-sounding digital recreations of the vintage spring reverb found in vintage Fender amps. Unlike the amp units, the mix control allows for 0 to 100% wetness, while the volume knob lets you either compensate for the loss of clean signal that normally happens when adding reverb, or apply some clean boost when the pedal is on.
Henretta Engineering Tremble Tank
A combo pedal that marries two existing circuits by the Saint Paul, MN-based company: the Crimson Tremolo and the Moody Blue Reverb. A toggle switch allows reversing the order of the effects. The Tremolo has controls for Speed and Depth, while the reverb for Decay and Level.
If your budget allows it, you may also want to look at this list of Multi-Mode Reverb Pedals – many of them also feature a Tremolo setting.
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