The 8th Brooklyn Stompbox Exhibit is coming up fast (it’s free, RSVP here!) and we want to share some of the tasty sonic treats you’ll be able to experience at our pedal party!
Here’s a gallery of 8 great gain pedals (7 overdrives and 1 distortion) you’ll be able to play with at this event – there will be hundreds more – you can see more here!

Mod Kits DIY Persuader
A basic tube overdrive you that requires assembly - great way to learn the engineering behind pedals!
1st tap: info, 2nd tap: video

One Control Baby Blue OD
Based on the BJFe creation FUZZ 1 (originally released in 2000), utilizes a discrete circuit that combines dynamic overdrive and fuzz. Often compared to the most sought after boutique American style tube amplifier.
1st tap: info, 2nd tap: video