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Muff-Style Fuzz Pedals
Released in 2023, the Supercool ’77 Fuzz Blender is a modern reimagining of the iconic op-amp Big Muff circuit by a Toronto-base builder who participated in our NAMM 2025 shared pedal booth. The Flavour switch, highlighted in blue, offers two tonal profiles: up position: a classic mid-scoop tone stack, adjustable…Click on the title for more
Supercool Pedals ’77 Fuzz Blender
The Jam Pedals Red Muck MkII keeps it classic with the three-knob layout but combines the most beloved aspects of the Green Russian and the Ram’s Head designs into one pedal. You get the clarity and articulation of the Ram’s Head along with the heavy bass and smoothness of the…Click on the title for more
JAM Pedals Red Muck MK2 Fuzz
Lovers of octave fuzzes (of the up or down categories) should take a serious look at the Keeley Octa PSI Transfigurating Fuzz. Thanks to its incredible flexibility, this Muff-style device is a true do-it-all not just for of octave fuzzes, but also pitch-shifting ones, providing several modes of octave up,…Click on the title for more
Keeley Octa PSI Transfigurating Fuzz
Way Huge's Muff-style fuzz series has gotten a new smaller version, the Way Huge Swallen Pickle Smalls, aka MkIII, which replicates the venerable fuzz circuit adding - you guessed it - more tone-shaping possibilities. Instead of the standard Muff "tone" knob, the typical Loudness and Sustain controls are integrated with a…Click on the title for more
Way Huge Swollen Pickle Smalls MKIII Fuzz
TABLE OF CONTENTS (click to jump) Click image for Video. 1969 "Triangle" Big Muff Pi (used by Jimi Hendrix) Back to List of Categories Earthquaker Devices Hoof The pedal that put Earthquaker on the map. Jamie Stillman’s first pedal is loosely based on a specific green Russian Muff belonging to…Click on the title for more
Best Big Muff Pedals in 2024: Reissues, Clones & Evolutions
Dropped within a release including three pedals adopting the same form factor as the Noble Screamer (a hybrid overdrive mixing the character of a TS and a Nobles ODR-1), the Keeley Angry Orange embeds in the same pedal two circuits inspired by two other classic dirt boxes: the Russian Civil…Click on the title for more
New Pedal: Keeley Angry Orange Distortion/Fuzz
The Umbrella Company Mayonaise Fuzz seems to be the debut pedal by the Japanese distributor of Chase Bliss and Empress Effects among others. It's presented as a modern and multifaceted "fuzzstortion" inspired by many classic circuits of the past but not necessarily replicating any of them, although sonic references to…Click on the title for more
New Pedal: Umbrella Company Mayonaise
The Crazy Tube Circuits Motherload is an intriguing take on the hybrid distortion/fuzz pedal that borrows from two iconic circuits (the Muff and the Rat) to offer at once some old and new sonic flavors. This is not a dual-channel pedal, but rather a one-channel dirtbox with a range of voices.…Click on the title for more
Crazy Tube Circuits Motherload Drive
The Vaderin Super Ram Fuzz is a heavily modified take on the Ram's Head Fuzz, borrowing some of the Super Fuzz characteristic, while adding also an octave up blend and an adjustable gate. The idea at the core of this pedal's circuit is to have a Muff-style fuzz that holds…Click on the title for more
New Pedal: Vaderin Super Ram Fuzz
The Wren and Cuff Eye See '70 is a big box version of the company's well-received Eye See '78 Muff variant, inspired by the 1978 short-lived version of the Muff adopting Op-Amps instead of transistors. The crunchy yet wooly tone produced by these vintage fuzzes was made popular by Billy…Click on the title for more
New Pedal: Wren and Cuff Eye See ’70 Fuzz
Although it features a (truly beautiful) flowery image on its case, the Oneder Onederwall is not exactly a device for the delicate guitarist: it's a dual channel, routable pedal merging a new, Russian-flavored Muff circuit with the distortion circuit of the company's Oneder Drive MkII. While Channel 1 (the fuzz)…Click on the title for more
Oneder Onederwall Dual Distortion/Fuzz
Built by German boutique pedal maker, the JPTR FX Warlow is a high-gain Op-amp Muff perfect for a low-end-heavy '90s grunge and alt-rock. Using high-grade IC chips and germanium clipping diodes, the Warlow comes in an appropriately large enclosure for its equally huge tones. We added this pedal to our article…Click on the title for more
JPTR FX Warlow Fuzz
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