
Hand-made in Montreal, Canada, the Fish Circuits Exploration #1 is the first pedal in a new series by the Quebecois brand dedicated to dirt tone exploration.

Designed around BC549 silicon transistors, the pedal offers a wide range of classic overdrive and fuzz tones through the 3 position Texture rotary switch, which changes, at once, the clipping circuit’s values for gain, sag, and thickness.

In the left position, this circuit acts as a boost, adding volume and a raspy, fuzzy texture to enhance your favorite gain pedals or push your amp to the edge of breakup.

The middle position provides a touch-sensitive fuzzy overdrive, perfect as a standalone gain pedal or stacked with a low-gain overdrive for crisp rhythm tones.

The right position delivers thick, compressed old-school fuzz. Use your guitar’s volume control to clean up the sound, exploring everything from glassy cleans to dark, heavy fuzz tones.