Quilter Superblock US

Since guitarists started to clue into the fact that it’s not strictly necessary to carry a heavy, real amp from gig to gig, the power-amp-in-a-stompbox format has experienced a boom; the Quilter Superblock series, consisting at this stage in the US and a UK versions, is the latest arrival in this niche.

Each Superblock sends 25 Watts of power to your speaker (or just 1 Watt, when powered with a conventional 9v power supply) and provides 3 Amp Simulations (57 Tweed, 61 Blonde, and 65 Blackface voicings for the US versions and JMP, AC Normal, and AC Top Boost for the UK one), 2 Cab Simulations, Limiter, Reverb and a 3-band EQ section.

It also offers generous routing capabilities, with FX loop, XLR out and headphones out.

You can hear how the Quilter Superblock US and UK sound in the videos below.


The SuperBlock US packs three vintage amplifiers into the most extensible system you can fit on your pedalboard. Featuring 57 Tweed, 61 Blonde, and 65 Blackface voicings, the SuperBlock US has all of your classic California amp needs covered. For the first time, we are excited to offer all of tonal secrets in a pedal format.

Fitting into a slot about the size of a double width pedal, the SuperBlock fits the power of a 25 watt tube amp right on your pedalboard when powered by our PS-24. For quieter applications you can also power it with a conventional 9v power supply for 1 watt of power. Features include two Cab Sims and an FRFR mode on the XLR Out and headphone out, three classic voices, Limiter, Reverb, and an effects loop.