Win Pedals by Chase Bliss, Pigtronix & AmpMojo via the LA Synth & Pedal Expo

Upcoming Pedal: Diamond Vibrato (V2)

New Pedal: Keeley California Girls 12 String Simulator

New Pedal: Electro-Harmonix LPB-3 Linear Power Booster & EQ

Win 4 Pedals via the Berlin Stompbox Exhibit [ENDED]

New Pedal: Cosmodio Pet Yeti Fuzztortion + Bitcrusher

Now Shipping: Fish Circuit Lunatique

2024 UPDATE! The Best Distortion Pedals | A Buyer’s Guide

New Pedal: Rush PepBox Fuzz 2.0

New Pedal: Subdecay Noise Theory Fuzz

The Best Crazy, Weird, and Unusual Fuzz Pedals in 2024

4D Pedals Red Star Distortion