Pour célébrer Knob-Session (c’est gratuit, RSVP ici !), le nouveau showroom de pédales, synthés et instruments modulaires de Montréal, nous offrons aux amoureux de pédales à effets pour plus de $2000 de cadeaux !
Liste des prix à gagner :
- AIAIAI TMA-2 Studio XE Headphones
- Analog Cases S06HYDRA and U600ASMX Cases
- DSM02 Character Module from Sequential
- KORG Minikorg S
- Novation Circuit Rhythm
- Soyuz Launcher Inline Active Preamp
- Tula USB Microphone
Comment participer ?
Renseigne tes informations ci-dessous.
C’est tout ! Faites vos jeux !
To celebrate the upcoming, FREE Montréal Pedal Expo called Knob-Session (RSVP here to attend), we put together a nice little pedal giveaway with an aggregate prize worth over $2000!
Here’s the list of prizes:
- AIAIAI TMA-2 Studio XE Headphones
- Analog Cases S06HYDRA and U600ASMX Cases
- DSM02 Character Module from Sequential
- KORG Minikorg S
- Novation Circuit Rhythm
- Soyuz Launcher Inline Active Preamp
- Tula USB Microphone
Cendres from Montreal, QC, won it, congrats!