Official page:
London Synth & Pedal Expo 2024

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Synth & Pedal Expo
Stompbox Exhibit only
Synth Expo only

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Synth & Pedal Expo
Stompbox Exhibit
Synth Expo

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Synth & Pedal Expo
Stompbox Exhibit
Synth Expo



As with all the other gear shows, the vendors are required to get Public Liability Insurance. This is very affordable (shouldn’t be more than £20 or so. You can get a quote here.

The organizer or the venue can’t be held responsible for any incident caused by your gear during the event.


Paolo De Gregorio

Cell: 631.829.8841


VENUE ADDRESS (do not ship material there):
Studio 9294
92, 94 Wallis Rd,
London E9 5LN

Google Map Directions

SETUP TIMES (Saturday)
We recommend these guidelines, but please also consider the note about parking at the bottom:
  • Companies that reserved parking at the venue: please come in between 9 and 10, the earlier the better. (Parking slots are limited, cost £30 per day, and are reserved for companies with at least a table and lots of gear).
  • Stores and PRS Guitars: Please come in asap after 9 and no later than 10. The later you come, the more complicated unloading will be for you.
  • Companies with two or more tables without parking slot: Please come in at around 9.30 am.
  • Companies with one 6×30″ or 8’x30″ table open on 3 sides (Peninsula plans) without parking slot: Please come in at or around 10.
  • Companies with a table open on one side (Row plans) and non-portable gear: Please show up at or after 10.30 and take a taxi if your gear can fit in it.
  • Those with portable gear and a small setup: Please don’t show up before 11.00 and take a taxi. One hour should be plenty for you to set up

If you can hand carry your gear or shipped everything to one of the stores, take a taxi / uber to the venue, you’ll save up money and time. The gear will stay at the venue so you can take public transportation to go back to your hotel and return to the venue on Sunday morning.

If you really want to drive and don’t have a parking spot at the venue, come in at least 45 minutes earlier than you planned, drop off your gear, and then look for parking in the area – no guarantee you’ll find it and it will be expensive!

Sunday Breakdown:
This should be a lot easier, I’d recommend the companies with bigger trucks to get them back to the venue no earlier than 19.15, that way most of the small folks will be gone by then.

8 – 12: Setup
12: Doors Open
18: Doors Close

SUNDAY 03.17
10 – 12: Rep + Press + Industry Only Hour!
12: Doors Open
18: Doors Close
18-21: Break down


Please wait for the unloading schedule, each vendor will be assigned a time slot for unloading based on the amount of transported gear.


If you have limited gear, take a taxi / uber to the venue – it’s a lot easier.

If you are driving and don’t have one of the few slots reserved for the bigger distributors, be ready for a frustrating experience and:

  1. Come in 1/2 hour earlier than you planned, drop off your gear, and then look for parking in the area.
  2. If you use a paid parking garage, make sure it’s open on a Saturday – apparently, some are not.

Here’s a Google page that gives you rates of the hotels close to the venue.


US and EU companies should make sure they come to the show with the correct power voltage AND connections that work with UK AC sockets!

Voltage is at 240v (same as EU, but US companies will need a power adapter) but power plugs look like this. If you don’t have this kind of connector we won’t ba able to provide electricity to your gear.

  1. Bring headphones for your setups
  2. Bring enough Power Strips for your needs
  1. ***NEW!!*** YOU NEED TO BRING YOUR AMP EMULATION DEVICE – make sure it has a headphones output.
  2. STUDIO HEADPHONES:  At least one per board (we’ll provide headphones only for unmanned boards)
  3. PATCH + GUITAR CABLES: Please use your own audio cables to connect the pedals between themselves and also bring a SHORT guitar cable.
  4. POWER: Please connect all pedals to power adapters so that they are ready to be plugged in.
  5. PEDALS WITH SPECIAL POWER REQUIREMENTS: If you are sending one or more pedals that require their own PSU, please include the PSU in the shipment and place a sticker on the pedal saying “PSU included in box.” Place also a sticker on a PSU with your company’s name on it.

At our shows, if you wish, you can sell direct. If you don’t want to, you can sell through the participating stores. If you don’t know what stores are participating, ask Paolo.

  1. STUDIO MONITORS OR AMPS: Our events are strictly in the headphones – it helps with human interaction! You can only bring amp heads or combos if they are not wider than your board, but you’ll have to play them through the headphones.
  2. (If you have a shared table) HANGING BANNERS – we don’t have space for them, we recommend printing a cardboard A3 tabletop display with your logo and all the info about your pedals, and synth builders with their dedicated table can bring one roll-out banner per 6′ table.
  3. Chairs for visitors: We don’t allow chairs on the floor for the visitors because they block the flow of the traffic, and we will provide some chairs for the reps.
  4. Guitars: Most visitors bring their own six strings, and we will have PRS providing demo guitars. you can bring one guitar to use only when you can find a demo one.
  • Vendors with a shared table space or a “row”-style plan need to stick with tabletop signage or tablecloths with the logo in front.
  • Vendors with a “peninsula”-style plan can bring one popup banner per table not wider than 3 feet 91cm)
  • Again, we can’t do hanging banners under any circumstances

In all likelihood, at lunchtime it will be too busy for you to venture out looking for a place to eat. We recommend either skipping lunch or bringing a sandwich.


Coming soon