Check out the pictures of the event here (synths) and here (pedals)
“We had a ton of great engagements with longtime and new users alike and we’re excited to come back for next year’s Brooklyn Pedal & Synth Expo!” – Cleo (Chase Bliss)
“The Brooklyn Synth Expo is always a great event for Novation, and this year did not disappoint. It was well attended and the people who visited our table were excited to try out and talk about our products, making it a great opportunity for us to engage with the synth and music making community.” – John (Novation)
“The Brooklyn Stompbox & Synth Expo is always a joy to exhibit at. It’s a privilege to be able show our gear first hand to the super creative and talented local musicians of New York.” – Terry (Meris)
“I had lines forming in front of my table to try out our gear. I wish I brought 2 or 3x of everything I had! With the diminishing retail storefront business, it is becoming more difficult for players to “try before they buy”. Musicians especially hold this process near and dear not only for the experience they gain with the products but also with a direct one-on-one conversation with the company that built the product.” – Austin (BOSS/Roland)
“Very satisfied! This was my first so I don’t have anything to compare it to, but I felt like the booth location was great and the attendance seemed perfect for the amount of booths. The specificity of this show really helps to target directly synth/pedal customers. Also the opportunity to sell with Sam at ThreeWave is amazing!” – Anthony (Street Wise/Arturia)
“I was very pleased with the Brooklyn event, I honestly loved everything about it. We had lots of traffic on both days. I am taking your advice and currently building 2 boards to have at future events. Lots of engagement, we made new customers and contacts. – Charles (Keeley)
“The event was great. We had tons of foot traffic, a bunch of visits from customers that we already know and had plans to expand their Buchla setups/purchase more gear, and the workshop session was well attended with many attendees asking great questions. No real negative feedback or criticism about the event from me.” – Nick (Buchla)
“It was very busy, everyone wanted to try our pedals! We had a wide range of diverse musicians, not just guitarists, and overall they sounded a lot more professional and knowledgeable than the average. There were also more women and non-binary folks” – Simon (Fairfield Circuitry)
“I was very satisfied with my participation in the event. It felt very well curated and traffic flowed really well. The product I was showcasing received much attention because of its organic feel and quirky and curious structure. People were very eager to engage with the SoundBox and seemed to really enjoy the experience. – Ale (LEAF Audio)
“Very satisfied. This event brought like-minded people together over a shared interest and enjoyment in gear. The location and free entrance made for an upbeat and positive environment. Very good attendance flow over the two days. Start and end times for both days was well managed.” – Robert (Line 6)
“There was almost a constant flow of people coming by throughout the whole weekend. Expos like this are an excellent way for potential customers to experience and learn about the synth in person, allowing them to hear how great it sounds and how fun it is to play with. Often at these types of shows, we get people who are unsure about buying it until they try it out in person, and then they are 100% convinced that they need to get it.” – Andrew (Groove Synthesis)
“Extremely happy with the show! Your Montreal and Brooklyn Expos have been the highlight of running a pedal company for me, and being able to interact with other vendors and customers has been incredibly valuable. The event was packed and my table had attendees about 90% of the time, often with people waiting to speak or interact with us, or doubling back later in hopes of getting a chance to talk.” – Jamie (Supercool Pedals)
“I had an amazing time at the Brooklyn Synth and Pedal expo. I was able to show my instrument design to many many people and get their takes. The expo gave me an audience that would be hard to find elsewhere. It was also so cool to see other vendors’ products and be able to talk with them.”- Kyle (Olydian Musical Instrument)
“I was impressed by the camaraderie between exhibitors and the enthusiasm of attendees. The traffic was more steady than I have seen at many other trade shows. Rather than coming in waves, we seemed to have a consistent flow of visitors to our booth throughout the weekend.” – Danny (D’Addario)
“The event went very well! I had a lot of great conversations with a huge variety of people, whether they were into synths or pedals, there was always something to talk about.” – Brian (Robots Are Red Modular)
“I was very satisfied with both the exhibitors and the attendees. There was never a moment when I didn’t have people looking at our pedals! Everyone was very engaged and excited to be there. There were a lot of talented people roaming around. All different types of musicians and instruments!” – Brendin (Cusack Music)
“We were very pleased with the love we got from the participants. There were no moments when we had nobody at our table, even though we had 4 pedalboards. [It’s important that] people get to hear and touch and try our pedals out, especially the more complicated ones.” – Yutaka – (Electro-Harmonix)
“I was very satisfied with the turnout. I really see no weaknesses in the Brooklyn show. The foot traffic was all kinds of musicians. We had a lap steel player come by. A lot of electronic artists who brought their small synths with them. And of course lots of guitars.” – Randy (Red Panda)
“Brooklyn Synth Expo is a great event because it brings people of all ages and skill levels together to talk shop and play with new gear. Everyone is always so friendly! The workshops are fun from both a manufacturer’s and an attendee’s perspective. There’s always a wide variety of topics and getting to speak to customers so closely is a good way to engage them on any new products.” – Evan (Sequential/Oberheim)
“We had a great time at the Brooklyn show. The professional and public traffic was really exciting, and I enjoyed the workshops. I found the event not only helpful in getting more brand and product exposure, but also in connecting with industry insiders and gaining insights on the current pedal market.” – Noah (Hotone)
“We have a blast at your events, just the sheer number of people that come through, and the fact that the event is free brings people from all walks of life in, which is great!” – Gene (Entropy and Sons)
“It was great, lots of traffic and our spot was amazing! I don’t think I can expect more sales from this kind of show than what we got. It’s basically like super-targeted advertising. We get new eyes on our pedals and a lot of people are there to buy.” – Mike (Fish Circuits)
“The traffic at the Brooklyn show was somewhere between impressive and overwhelming. I was very pleased with the level of interaction with our products. I liked the location and the surrounding neighborhood. Our table was ideally situated at the entrance, so we had a lot of traffic.” – Steve (1010 Music)
“I was very satisfied! Looking forward to it again next year! Lots of foot traffic and lots of great engagement! Nothing replaces person-to-person interaction and being able to touch and feel the gear.” – Garth (Whimsy Machines)
“So great! This event attracts creative musicians, soundscapers, and audio inventors ready to dive in. It’s a much more engaged, DIY crowd than other events we’ve exhibited at. People show up ready to talk about new gear and software. They really seemed to ’get’ our stuff. And the headphones make it possible to have a conversation!” – Jeff Robbins (Spaceage/Visibox)
“We were very satisfied, this is a great event for making floor sales compared to most industry shows. Foot traffic was considerable foot traffic, there were lots of potential retail customers.” – Shane (Aviate Audio)
“Very happy with the experience, solid traffic both days. The show’s added value is the personal interaction and getting to network with other companies in the industry. This is especially valuable to show off our MIDI BLASTER product, as YouTube videos fail to do it justice.” – Zach (This is Noise)
“Lots of foot traffic. Occasionally people would wait in lines to try our gear, which was nice to see. Seemed to be a better turnout than the year before. Made good connections and got a lot of eyes on our products.” – Bill (Acorn Amps)
“We had a great time and plan to participate in more of these events. We had so many benefits from attending the event. The interaction with customers, meeting other builders, networking with some really experienced people in the industry, and selling a bunch of pedals. We were super enthused about the whole thing!” – Barton (Cosmodio Instruments)
“I was very satisfied. We got a good flow of people and mostly they were potential customers. People enjoyed engaging with our software and we had lots of good conversations. The organizer communicated well in the lead-up to and during the event. – Darrel (Space Age Tv)
“This expo is always a good time, and it’s great to get to know new makers and see old friends. [Traffic was] extremely high! The “headphones-only” policy is fantastic. It sounds like people talking instead of a terrible Guitar Center.” – Mike (GSG.Live)