Author Archive

The 20 Best Vox-Style Pedals & Vox-In-a-Box Overdrives in 2024

Best Big Muff Pedals in 2024: Reissues, Clones & Evolutions

The Best Crazy, Weird, and Unusual Fuzz Pedals in 2024

Best Fuzz Face Clones and Evolutions in 2024

The 13 Best Blues Breaker-Style Pedals, Clones & Variants in 2024

BOSS BD-2 & the Best Blues Driver-Style Pedals in 2024

22 of the Best Tone Bender Fuzz Pedals in 2024

The Best Octave Pedals in 2023 | A Buyer’s Guide

2023 UPDATE! Best EQ Pedals for Guitar: Graphic & Parametric

Pigtronix Star Eater Jumbo Fuzz

Updated Pedals: LPD Lucent V2 Boost/Overdrive

Walrus Audio Lore Reverse Soundscape Generator