This video was shot by Liam Killen at our MTL KnobSession 2023.

Pictures of the event here (synths) and here (pedals).


“Lots of foot traffic and enthusiasm. It’s always great to connect with customers on a personal level, and there were some great players, which is a treat! It was busier than last year, which is great! We had nearly 70 people sign up for our mailing list, which is a win!” – Michael (Empress Effects)

“Overall happy! The location was central and very nice. The traffic was high most of the time, we were definitely busy pretty much nonstop!” – Leticia (Ableton)

“Extremely happy. Traffic was amazing, the venue was packed non-stop. Yes, our tables (Novation and Warm Audio) were very busy both days.” – Sylvain (Erikson / Novation, Warm Audio)

“We thought this was one of the better end user shows we’ve participated in. We felt that the whole thing ran very smoothly. Saturday was fantastic and very crowded… Sunday was less so, but we actually had more time to speak with people and spend more time with them talking about products.” – Dave Misener (Kink Guitar Pedals / OMS Canada?)

“We were delighted with the venue, location, and appreciated it coincided with the MUTEK festival. We felt traffic was steady and good enough to consider participating in the show again. there was hardly ever a lull in visitors to our booth.” – Joe (Eventide)

” Happy [with the event] and appreciate you placing us next to our friends at Ableton. Saturday was high traffic and consistent. Sunday was slightly slower. All round a good amount of people especially for a smaller booth being managed by a single person.” – Dave (AIAIAI)

“I really enjoyed the event. It went very smoothly, no issues at all. […] There was constant interaction whether it was people testing out pedals, asking questions or just looking at the products and taking pictures. – Corey (Coast Music / Dunlop)

“Generally happy, turnout was good again. The venue was busy for the better part of both days. […] Our boards were in use much of the time; had quality interactions with a good number of people.” – Erik (SFM / Keeley, Jackson Audio, Two Notes)

“Overall satisfied, and the response was great just like the two last shows we did [with you]. Looks to me like you know what you’re doing!” – Mike (Fish Circuit)

“Very happy and enthusiastic of my first experience at that kind of event. Not a lot of « downtime »… constant movement of people. The good vibe of the event put a smile on their face and they were excited to try all the stuff presented.” – Daniel (Bionique Audio)

“We are happy with the experience. It’s a great weekend and it’s our only show, so the sole chance to meet and have people try our products live.” – Emilie (GUP Tech)

“Really nice consistent crowd, a very good experience.” – Marc (Sunnaudio)

“It was good. I liked the silent event concept. Much more enjoyable compared to NAMM.” – Marko (TourGear Designs)

“Overall happy! Everyone was friendly and it was a pleasure to talk to everyone including visitors and other reps. Traffic was high I think, there was occasional downtime but there were always new people coming in, which is good.” – Igor (Stonegate FX)